

Achievements! Underneath the team tab next to general click team details. A pop up window will appear showing your squad.. On the left side go to and click achievements. The first 18 achievements, all in the 'Basic' category, can be done right away. "This is also a good way of been shown around ManagerLeague"  For a in depth guide on the basic achievements you should use this excellent blog,
New starter achievements

Links are useful in the forum when your wanting to sell players in the transfer thread or send messages, its alot quicker than having to write every single detail. Plus there easy to do.

Links: How to make a link for player details or team details.
simply click on the player you want to link. Under the player picture it says  . That is the players ID. Copy all of it, even the (  )  and then paste it in the forum or as a message to another manager.
Do the same if you want to link to a specific team,  at the top.

To make links that direct you to a blog or a website: ( i will use this Blogs url as an example )
Step 1: [url] Step 2: http://www.managerleague.com/blogperma.pl?id=4102 Step 3: ,   Step 4: "Name your link" you will see i named mine ML- Help Guide & Tips (You can put spaces inbetween your named link) Step 4: [/url]
"There must be no spaces in this link except for the name of your link"
Should look like this
[url]http://www.managerleague.com/blogperma.pl?id=4102,ML-Help Guide & Tips[/url]


Manager League Season:

A season lasts a month. Within that month there is 37 rounds. Each round it updates player quality gains, stadium upgrades etc.
There is training twice a day - 09:00 and 21:00 (game time) or 8am - 8pm (Uk time)
Also, you play 2 matches a day - 03:00 and 15:00 (game time) or 3pm - 3am (Uk time)
However, at weekends; there are no league matches. But, there is player cups, which is an element to help your players improve.
Within, the fixture list, there is also Department Cups (for the lower divisions 5+6)
For the other divisions, they are entered into the league cup.
The top few teams from each division 1 league around ML also get entered for the Champions League and The Samsung Super Cup.
At the start of every new season, you will get a new youth player (17 year old) plus you will get given 15 free credits

Squad Size:
The minimum sized squad is 18 players. You can only sack/sell a player if you have more than 18 players. With other words.. to sack/sell a player you need at least 19 players.
As far as i know, there is no maximum squad size.. BUT when you have 30 players, then you cant buy any more. If you have 30 players you need to sack/sell one player before being able to buy a new one.
Even if you have 30 players during season change, you will still receive a new youth from the youth academy at the start of the season as usual.. even though it will leave you with 31 players. but as i said, you can not buy any more players until you have 29 players or less.

There is very little functionality regarding coaches in the game. What their name is, or how old they are, it does not matter. The only things that matter for your team is how good they are.

ALWAYS hire Excellent coaches in all positions - GK, Def, Mid, Att. They're not that expensive and they are important in developing your team.

So - the knowledge of coaches in Manager League can be summed up in one short sentence:
Hire excellent coaches.

As it says in the manual: "Will help slow down the rate of stadium-decay from wear and tear. The Caretaker can prove to be the most useful staff member because no one wants to lose a 12 million dollar stadium upgrade."

As with coaches - get an Excellent one.

The physio helps prevent training injuries. You don't really want training injuries. So again - get the Excellent one.

The scouts helps you find players.

ALWAYS hire the best staff. If you can't afford it then you are doing something wrong with finances.
A staff member which is excellent will cost you $16.000 each round in 4th division and as much as $24.000 each round in 1st division.

Friendlies give you the chance to improve your players or give others the chance to play that doesn't normally. The maximum friendlies you can accept a season is 100. You can send 100 challenges out to people but, REMEMBER, every challenge costs 1 credit!

Therefore the maximum number of friendlies that can be played in total is 200 every season.
TIP - The more friendlies you play, the better chance your players have when it comes to imrpoving! take into account players fitness (below 80 is considered injured) and the league matches you might play that same day.
TIP - The more players you have in your team at the start; the more chance you have of playing more friendlies!

How to play 200 friendlies in one season?

1. Buy credits... you'll need 1 credit per friendly. You can accept 100 Open Challenges each season, so if you manage to accept all of them you'll need 100 credits for friendlies.
2. You will need to play a lot of friendlies each round. 37 rounds makes an average of about 6 friendlies - you  get more chances in the last 5 rounds, especially if you're not playing qualification or a cup final. Try to play at least 6 friendlies each round. Friendlies are always played between the league match and the trainings, twice a day.

Tip: ALWAYS play soft tackles in friendlies as they will be able to play in more matches. Doing anything else will make people angry!, it is also clearly the best choice if you want your players to improve as much as possible -and to have a chance of playing all 200 friendlies.
3. Depending on how many players you have and what your ambitions for the season are - you need to think about how much fitness you will allow your players to have. If you want to win matches, fitness should always be 100 when playing matches.

Friendlies will zap your fitness, training will restore it. You will need to ignore Individual Training most rounds,  (See - The skill Stamina under Training Camps) 

(The maximum profit you can earn in a friendly match is based on the division you are in).

400.000 in 1st div
360.000 in 2nd div
330.000 in 3rd div
300.000 in 4th - 6th div


You can buy or sell as many players as you like a season, although, REMEMBER, your team must consist of 18 players minimum! However, it is advised that you keep the transfers to 4 a season. After that, you lose team stats for every other new signing!
When buying a player, you have a filter showing the requirements in what you want to look for. This will help you find the player that is needed in your team!

There is a unsigned and a signed list. Remember that unsigned players also cost 1 credit as well as price.
Every signed player up for sale will have a minimum price tag in which you have to start the bidding. Sometimes, you will see teams with AUTO ACCEPT next to the player. Auto accept allows you to get the player quicker in your team. The offer will be automatically accepted!
REMEMBER>>> It takes 12 hours for a transfer to go through with an additional 10 minutes every time another bid is made after the 12hr period.

TIP - It will help if you message the other manager a price in which they will accept for a player that hasn't got auto accept next to it. This way it will save time and losing patience!
When selling a player, you can go to My transfers to set a price. The minimum price you can sell a player is 70%. (unless you sack him which will be 40%)
If you want an immediate sale, it will be advised to put the player up for a reasonable price,

TIP- Check what other clubs are selling the same type of player for! use this cool tool for player values
ML - Tools
Don't post players for sale anywhere other  than the  "Transfer forum".

Player search:   Soon as you transfer list a player you can search for him here. This is also a good place to look for 17yr old youth players. don't forget that unsigned players also cost 1 credit.

Active Transfers: In the active transfers page there is a list of all the active transfers currently going on in the game

Transfer Forum Thread:  You can also try selling your player here (Located on the General Page) if you want to sell a player, i repeat don't post it anywhere other than in here.


If you end up in position 2 or 3 you have to play three playoff matches to promote. The first match will be played in round 31 against the team in your department who ended up in 2'nd or 3'rd place.
If you win, you have to play (in round 32) against the winner of the playoffmatch between the 2'nd a 3'rd place in the department next to yours.
If you win, you have to play (in round 33) against the team in position 11 or 12 in the department over you. If you win this you will promote to the div/department over you. If you lose any of these matches, you will remain in the same div/department.

If you end up in position 11 or 12, you only have to play one match in round 33, against the winner (as explained over) of the department under you. If you win, you remain in your department. If you lose, you relegate to the div/department under you.

Playoffs are played on neutral grounds and all income is shared between the two teams. There are no homeground benefits to either of the teams.

Player Retirement:

You can never know when your player will retire..
But a goalkeepers retiring age is usually between 38 and 42 years old,
And a defender, midfielder and attackers retiring age is usually between 35 and 38 years old

What happens if I have below 18 players?

18 players is the minimum. You are not allowed to have fewer players than that.

If you still drop below that number, during season change when players retire, your team will be filled up with random, very bad players (low quality), so that your team numbers are 18 again.

Of course, the youth player you get at the beginning of every season is also added, and a part of the 18.

End of Season change over:
- players drop in quality between seasons. Game developer Spinner recently commented on this on the ML forum - so here's what you need to know about quality changes between seasons:

- All players below the age of 32 lose pretty much the same amount of quality. Meaning: They lose the same number of stats, and the Q-number is based on a formula based on stats. Because of rounding numbers (for example a stats total of 75,7 will mean 76 overall Quality) it may seem that the amount lost varies - but Spinner has confirmed it is about the same for all players below 32.

- Players above the age of 32 lose extra Speed.

- The point of the loss of quality is a) realism, reflecting the player holiday and b) game balance - players gain a lot of Q during the season and there needs to be some slowing during season break or "all" players would reach Q99 or thereabouts.

(Don't forget your also given a 15 fitness top up compliments of ML) plus whatever stamina your players have SEE TRAINING CAMP BELOW


End of season tax
0-5 million profit NO tax 5-10 million profit 10% tax 10-20 million profit 20% tax 20-50 million profit 30% tax 50-100 



- Domestic: Costs $100.000, morale gain: little/none.
- Abroad: Costs $1.000.000, morale gain: some.
- Exotic: Costs $3.000.000, morale gain: lots.

- 2 stars: Costs $500.000, fitness gain: 1 point.
- 3 stars: Costs $1.500.000, fitness gain: 3 point.
- 4 stars: Costs $2.500.000, fitness gain: 5 point.
- 5 stars: Costs $4.000.000, fitness gain: 7 point.

- Leisure: Costs $100.000, player attribute gains: little/none.
- Normal: Costs $500.000, player attribute gains: some.
- High: Costs $1.000.000, player attribute gains: several
- Extreme: Costs $3.000.000, player attribute gains: lots. (Apparently)

Total costs for most expensive training camp possible: $10.000.000.

"Should I rest my players during training camp?"

- No! Training camps are important when it comes to gaining main player attributes, and resting players is a waste of training. Unless you don't have injured players, you should not rest them.
If you know you have an important match on Monday (3 am), make sure you keep your players' fitness above 92-93 until the training camp. With 5 star accomodation the players will have fitness at 99-100 before the match.

If you have players with 73 fitness, and have ordered 5 star accomodation, he/they don't need to rest. The reason for this is that the players gain their fitness before the training session begins. Same thing with 75 fitness players with 4 star accomodation, 77 fitness players with 3 star accomodation, and 79 fitness players with 2 star accomodation. This also goes for regular training.

Players with fitness below 73 must allways rest!

"Should I order a training camp abroad, or even in an exotic location?"

- It depends on your ambitions for this season. As mentioned Abroad increases morale some, and Exotic a lot. It is useful if you are trying to be promoted, or to avoid relegation, and/or to win cups. If you are using this season as a training season, anything but Domestic is a waste of money, players will not gain more attributes, only the morale gain increases.

IMPORTANT!! To order anything but Domestic for the last training camp of the season (last Wednesday) is a waste of money. Nobody need more morale on the last day of the season, the morale attribute will be reset to 50 during season change anyway!

"How much fitness does my player gain if I rest them during training camps?"
The skill Stamina is extremely important for your players. Not only does it help players do their best when playing matches, but maybe even more importantly it allows your players to rest more - giving them the chance to play more friendlies and thereby improving more.

- As mentioned, resting players is a waste of training time. But if you absolutely MUST rest a player or two, the calculation is as follows:
- Every player gets 2 points back automatically.
- If the player is resting from Individual training, they will get an additional (Stamina/10 rounded down) points back. Meaning: If the player has 64 Stamina, he will get 6 points, if he has 89 Stamina he will get 8 points.
- If you have selected "Rest" on 1 or more of the Team Training slots, your players will get one additional point of fitness per slot - up to 4 points.

Taking all this into consideration, a player with 93 Stamina that is 100% resting will regain 2 (automatically) + 9  (Team Training slots) + 4  = 15 fitness points back!
(That means you can play him all the way down to 85 in Fitness.)
The rounding down is the key here - if you have a player with 79, or maybe even 78, in stamina, you will have a lot to gain by improving him to 80. This will give you lots of fitness and  extra training points during the season!
(Here's a simple overview of the max fitness points regained for players with different Stamina values (assuming full Team Training rest and Individual training rest)

Stamina 100 = 16 points
Stamina 90-99 = 15 points
Stamina 80-89 = 14 points
Stamina 70-79 = 13 points
Stamina 60-69 = 12 points
Stamina 50-59 = 11 points
Stamina 40-49 = 10 points
Stamina 30-39 = 9 points

PS! Resting on team training will have no effect during training camps, and is a waste of training time!

Try to train the main attributes of your players during training camps.

Allways order high/extreme intensity if you can afford it.


Team training stats is a very Important part of the game - You will not do well if your Team Training stats are not high

Team training stats are trained by selecting a particular stat in the Team training section of ML. They are trained during every training session twice a day
Team Training stats are also trained during the Training Camps five times a season. In my opinion this is the most important reason for a Camp
Although the Four main Stats are Attacking, Defending, Understanding and Teamplay, The rest are all important and should not be neglected
The Training Facility Upgrade allows you to get higher values for all Team Training stats so Upgrade it to excellent as soon as you can (See Stadium Upgrades)

Be careful of using Rest too often in Team stats. Although it restores your Fitness quicker, the price in drop in team stats makes this an Expensive option
Lets have a look at the Individual Stats and their Importance
Attacking: This influences the attacking ability of your team
Defending: This influences the defensive ability of your team
If you plan to use Attacking or Defending Pressure in Team stats make sure that these two stats are as high as possible
Counter Attacking: If you plan on using this you will need good defenders with good passing.

Understanding: This influences your team's ability to adapt to playing different Styles and Formations. Note that players with High perception is also needed to successfully change tactics frequently
Teamplay: This influences your team's ability to perform as a team
Freekick: This influences the success in taking freekicks of your team. This could be an important source of goals so keep this one High. I think it also influences your team's ability to defend freekicks so a low value could cost you
Corner: This influences Taking and defending Corners. Could lead to that critical Winning/Losing Goal
Throw-in: This influences the ability of your team to use throw-ins as an attacking or defensive option
Offside: A high value is vital if you plan to use the offside trap Tactic, but a low value will result in your attackers being caught offside frequently when in goal scoring positions
Penalty Kick: Influences the ability of your players at taking penalties. This can be vital in Penalty shoot outs during Cup games and Play offs for Promotion/Relegation
Morale: A very Important stat. Often makes the difference in the outcome of games. Winning League and Cup/Custom Cup games will improve Morale, whilst losing these games reduce Morale. The better the team is that you beat the better the increase in Morale and the reverse applies when Losing a game. Morale is the only stat that gets reset to 50 during season change and that makes it very Important to improve it as soon as possible at the start of a new season. The Best way to do this is by sending your team on an overseas Training Camp. This will boost the Morale by 10-15 points. Be careful of training Morale during your daily training sessions as it will quite often cause your other stats to deteriorate if you persist in doing it for too long. Use one block for Morale during first few training sessions if you cant afford a Training Camp, but I don't recommend doing it.

Team Training  Order of importance:
Attacking   2
Defending  3
Counter-attacking 5 (Good against stronger teams)
Off-Side    11
Throw-in  10 
Free-Kick  7 
Corner    8
Penalty  9
Understanding 6 (important if you like to keep changing formations, but i recommend you keep the same formation untill 5 stars).
Teamplay 4
Morale  1  (This is the most important but really only at the beginning of the season and at the end of the season if your going for promotion or avoiding relegation)
PLEASE pay great attention to your team training stats because they are vital if you want to do well in ManagerLeague. These stats will be greatly effected if you purchase a 5th player over your 4 player a season limit. Buying 6 or 7 players in my opinion is crazy because they take months/years to build up.

team stats help but they don't help that much unless there in the 90's.

Kick about in the park
Think I'm ready for the pub team
I'm an amateur and nothing more
Just signed a professional contract
Barcelona couldn't afford me
Hope you get what i mean and how important they are

Player Training main attributes

GK- Keeping, Passing, Speed, Perception. Stamina
DEF- Tackling, Speed, Stamina, Passing.  Heading, Perception
MID- Passing, Tackling, Shooting, Speed. Stamina, Perception
ATT- Shooting, Heading, Speed, Perception. Passing

it is not advisable to keep training just one stat. Look at other stats that need improving from that certain position (in bold) and train that.
Every Sunday at 18:00 (and the last week of the season on the Wednesday at 23:00) there is a chance to send your players on a training camp. This is a very effective way in training your players, to help make them better.
TIP - If you are only looking to improve your players abilities during the training camp, it would be advisable to choose

The skill Stamina is extremely important for your players. Not only does it help players do their best when playing matches, but maybe even more importantly it allows your players to rest more - giving them the chance to play more friendlies and thereby improving more.

 A player has to be on the pitch for at least 15 minutes to learn something from the match. That means you should change all those "substitutions in the 75th minute - if you want your subs to improve.


Everybody can build a Great team - It takes Time and Many Hours of Planning and Training over Many Seasons.
The Secret is to find the right players for the right position in your team. This can be very expensive, so the easiest way is to find the players at a young age and Train them into what you want them to be
Points to Remember:
1. Players mature and reach their peak between ages 28-34. This is between 31-38 for Goalkeepers. However players drop dramatically in Value after age 30. This presents a dilemma. Should I keep a player after age 30 and eventually get less for him or should I sell him at age 29-30 to get a Good price for him? It depends on how the players has performed for you, If they achieve High avge in games played, consider keeping them. If not Sell. Another attribute to look at is Speed. Players loose speed quickly after age 30, so if they are not high to start off with it's better to sell them before they become too slow
2. Captain - A captain influences the players around him and a good one makes the players around him play better. But a poor one makes the players around him play badly. A good Captain is age 27+ and has perception 80+. The more games a player plays Captain, the better Captain he becomes. It;s a Good idea to have a player capable of playing Captain in each position in the Field, ie Defender, Midfielder and Attacker. I dont like playing a GK as Captain
3. Quality is not Everything - You should look at the Individual Attributes of each player. The main Attributes are Goalkeeper (Gk, Passing, Speed, Perception) Defenders (Tackling, Passing, Speed, Stamina) Midfielders (Tackling, Passing, Shooting, Speed) Attackers (Shooting, Heading, Speed, Perception) However Perception is important for all players, even Defenders and Midfielders. This is especially true if you plan to change Formation/Style often. Likewise Passing is Important for all players, even Goalkeepers and Attackers, if you plan to use Continental Playstyle. Stamina is Important for all Players as High Stamina allows you to play more Games/Friendlies before Resting players in Training to allow them to return to Fitness 100 for next game.
4 Average age of First team is vital. Your team will not perform consistently untill the Average age is 26yo+ It is better to have all players age 26yo+ than having 2-3 34yo and many 20yo
5. Hidden Stats - There are 3 Hidden stats for each player. Learning- The ability of a player to improve in overall attributes. This can be determined by Scouting a player. An excellent scout will filter out all players that dont scout excellent (High Learning Ability) Flair- The Ability of a player to play well in games. Attackers score more goals, Midfielders Score/Assist more Goals. Defenders defend better and Score/Assist more goals whilst Keepers are better Keepers - Less goals conceded. It's a difficult stat to isolate but players that consistently have higher avge/game and show up consistently in Top Goalscorer/Player/Assisters lists have higher Flair Temper- Player with high Tempers get booked/banned more often so look at cards from previous seasons before buying players
6' Tactics - You need a defender with High Passing and Perception to take Freekicks from your own Half. You need a Midfielder with High Passing and Perception to take Corners and A midfielder with High Passing, Shooting and Perception to take Freekicks in Opponents Half. You also need an Attacker age 27yo+ with High Shooting and Perception to take Penalties.
7, Positioning - You should always have the defenders with the highest tackling and stamina in center, and the ones with the best passing and speed as left/right backs.
In  midfield you should have the best tacklers and shooting in center, and  best passing and speed on the wings.

Lets's look at a what a Well Balanced Team consists of
Well Balanced Team:
1. 2x Goalkeepers - You need 2 Goalkeepers to play League/Cup games and the 6-7 friendlies/Round needed to get 250 friendlies/season. Goalkeepers mature later than outfield players and typically reaches peak at age 31yo+. One GK should be 31yo+ and his backup should be 23yo+. When buying a keeper look for high main stats  (Gk, Passing, Speed, Perception) but also look for high stamina (75+) Perception and Stamina is difficult to train so buy players with high values in these 2. However none of the stats should be below 70 in a player age 23yo. The main stat is keeping so a it should be 85+ at age 23. Goalkeepers ae relatively cheap and you should seldom pay more than vaue for them. Look for keepers that have high avge in games (50+) and no cards in history. Also note number of goals conceded in previous seasons and divison keeper played in
2. 8x Defenders - There are 2 types of defenders; CB - Centrebacks amd WB - Wingbacks. CB should have High tackling and Stamina attributes. WB should have high Passing and Speed attributes. CB are generally older - 29yo+ whilst WB are younger 25yo+ It's good to change WB to CB as they get older and lose speed. The main stats for Defenders are (Tackling, Passing, Speed, Stamina) Perception is also important for all defenders, especially if you play Offside tactic or plan to change Formation/Style often. Perception and Stamina is difficult to train so buy players with high (75+) values in these 2.At age 23 the main stats should be Tackling 85+, Passing 70+ Speed 80+ Stamina 80+ Perception 75+ Buy players that have high avge (Flair) in games and few cards (Temper)
3. 8x Midfielders - There are 2 types of midfielders - CM - Centre Midfielders and Wingers. CM need High Tackling and High Shooting whilst Wingers need High Passing and Speed. CM are generally older - 29yo+ whilst wingers are generally younger at 25yo+ Once again Wingers should be moved to CM as they get older and Slower. The Main stats for Midfielders are (Tackling, Passing, Shooting, Speed) but Stamina and Perception is also important for these players. Perception and Stamina is difficult to train so buy players with high values(70+) in these 2. At age 23 the Main stats should be Passing 85+ Tackling 80+ Shooting 80+ Speed 80+ Stamina 75+ Perception 70+ Buy players that have high avge and Goals/Assists (Flair) in games and few cards (Temper)
4. 5x Attackers - Attackers start reaching their peak at age 26yo+ and reach Maturity at age 29-34. Their main attributes are (Shooting, Heading, Speed, Perception) However Passing and Stamina are also important for these players If you plan playing Continental Style and play many Games/Friendlies. At Age 25 the Main stats should be Shooting 85+ Heading 85+ Speed 85+ Perception 80+ Passing 70+ Stamina 70+ Buy players that have high avge and Goals/Assists (Flair) in games and few cards (Temper). It's a Good idea to look at the Top Lists for Goals scored for each Country when buying Attackers. This will give you proven Goalscorers but these players are expensive
5. Players to Sell to Make Money - Buying Players Cheap and training them and then selling them at a profit once they've improved is the Best source of Income in Manager League. Midfielders and attackers are the best for this as they are the most expensive in the market. However only the very best will get the Highest prices so be careful not to price yourself out of the Market. If you can buy a Q70 17yo at 20 million and sell him on at q75 18-19yo for 40 million you are doing well. Once a player reaches 20yo, his value in the market will drop sharply. To do this you need to scout these youths. Only excellent scouted players will increase quickly in attributes so scout youths before buying them. Dont trust sellers who claim the players scout excellent, Scout them yourself first.
6. Training Youths -  Having two or more 31yr olds in each position will help develop your youth players. The players Q rating  or position is not as important as there age. So basically you can buy several 31yr old Keepers on Q60 to help train a 17yr old Striker (Yup it makes no sense but it does work) i mentioned keepers because they play longer before they retire and are cheaper to buy. Also while playing friendlies if your wanting to train up a defenders passing try playing them in midfield same as if your wanting to build up a strikers tackling by playing them in defense. All stats are important so don't go ignoring a Strikers tackling or a Defenders shooting. To get an idea of how much you can make for a player, use this ML-Reports


Note! You cant see if your opponent changes playstyle during a game.

General Tips.
- Everytime you make changes don't forget to press
- If you play with just one playstyle, your team will get better at that playstyle, but worse in the others.
- Longballs beat continental, mixed beats longball and continental beats mixed.
- 4-4-2 is good against defensive formations
- 4-3-3 is bad against formations with lots of midfielders

- Longball works well with many attackers, like in a 4-3-3 formation.

Until your Understanding in Team Training is on at least  80-90 i wouldn't  keep  swapping your formation all the time" But its entirely up to you.

The tactics to the right 'should beat'' the one to the left. You will of course need some luck but this should work if your opponent has around the same average Q as your starting 11 or is worse. 

5-4-1 Continental - 4-3-3 Longballs
5-4-1 Longballs - 3-6-1 Mixed (not so sure)
5-4-1 Mixed - 3-6-1 Continental
5-3-2 Continental - 4-3-3 Longballs
5-3-2 Longballs – 4-4-2 Mixed (4-3-3 Mixed)
5-3-2 Mixed - 3-6-1 Continental (4-5-1 Continental)
4-5-1 Continental3-4-3 Longballs(3-3-4 Longballs, 3-5-2 Longballs)
4-5-1 Long balls 
3-5-2 Mixed
4-5-1 Mixed - 3-5-2 Continental (3-6-1 Continental)
4-4-2 Continental – 4-3-3 Longballs (3-4-3 Longballs)
4-4-2 Longballs – 4-3-3 Mixed
4-4-2 Mixed – 4-4-2 Continental (3-4-3 Continental, 3-5-2 Continental)
4-3-3 Continental - 4-4-2 Longballs (4-3-3 Longballs)
4-3-3 Long balls - 5-3-2 Mixed 4-3-3 Mixed– 4-5-1 Mixed

4-3-3 mixed - 4-5-1 Continental
4-2-4 Continental -  5-3-2 Longballs
4-2-4 Longballs –  5-3-2 Mixed
4-2-4 Mixed – 5-4-1 Continental (4-5-1 Continental)
3-6-1 Continental -  4-2-4 Longballs
3-6-1 Longballs –  4-2-4 Longballs
3-6-1 Mixed – 3-6-1 Continental

3-5-2 Continental – 4-3-3 Longballs(3-4-3 Longballs)
3-5-2 Longballs – 3-4-3 Mixed
3-5-2 Mixed - 3-5-2 Continental

3-4-3 Continental - 4-3-3 Longballs
3-4-3 Longballs  4-4-2 Mixed
3-4-3 Mixed 4-5-1 Continental  (5-4-1 Continental)
3-3-4 Continental 5-3-2 Longballs

3-3-4 Longballs 5-3-2 Mixed (5-4-1 Mixed)
3-3-4 Mixed 5-4-1 Continental

Use them at your own risk but they should work!

Formations and their structure:

5-4-1: This is a very defensive formation, but can also be very effective. The formation needs a good attacker up front to score the goals for you. Your defense don't need to be the best since you have 5 defenders in the back line.
Playstyle: Continental should be the best one. Mixed can work, but not recommended. Longball is just plain stupidity.

Recommended use: Against teams with better average quality, where a draw would almost be the same as a victory for your team. Specially strong against formations with low amount of midfielders.

5-3-2: Concentrates a bit more on scoring goals, but is still a defensive formation. Watch out for teams with good midfield. You might lose because your not getting your midfielders into the game.
Playstyle: Mixed should work best for this formation, continental comes in second and longball works a bit better in this formation then in the 5-4-1 since you got 2 attackers to aim the ball for instead of one.

Recommended use:
Away matches where your opponent is about the same average Quality as you or at home against better teams then you.

4-5-1: Again a defensive formation. Compared to the 5-4-1 formation this is more vulnerable to opponents playing longball or mixed because they play over your midfield so you will lose lots of defensive power. You defense needs to be stronger and your attacker still needs to be good.
Playstyle: Continental should be the best option. Mixed is not recommended as there is too many midfielders. Longball is not a option.

Recommended use:
Against other managers playing continental with low amount of midfielders. Make sure that their attackers are not too good.

4-4-2: Most common formation used in the real life world today. It has both good amounts of defenders, midfielders and attackers. When it comes to this game you wont see many managers in div 1 or 2 use this formation. Mostly because they find other formations to be better.
Playstyle: All three playstyles work, but i would recommend mixed or continental a bit more then longball.

Recommended use: When you cant find any other formation that works well this is the one to use in most occasions. More recommended against defensive formations (above formations) then attacking formations.

4-3-3: An attacking formation that concentrates on your play in front of the opponents goal to win the match. Vulnerable against teams with many midfielders.
Playstyle: Mixed and longball should be about the same. Continental is not recommended.

Recommended use: Can be used against any formation, but your decision of playstyle can be the reason why you either win or lose. If you have low amount of good midfielders and many good attackers this could be the formation for you.

4-2-4: An all out attack formation that rely on getting more goals then your opponent. Very vulnerable against teams playing mixed or continental.
Playstyle: Longball is almost the only formation to recommend as the formation only contains 2 midfielders. Mixed could also work but not recommended while continental is the same as digging yourself 7 feet under.

Recommended use: A large amount of good attackers is important for this formation. Also your defense and goalie needs to be excellent to win you matches. There might not be many teams in division one that could pull this one off. so don't use it just to try it.

3-6-1: This a kind of a odd formation in my opinion when thinking about real life. How would it actually be to play in a midfield as crowded as this one? Luckily this isn't  real life. Normally i would say a formation with only 3 defenders is an attacking formation, but this only contains 1 attacker so it can't be that attacking.
Playstyle: I can't see any other formation than continental working for this one. Maybe mixed can work a little bit, but what is a lonely striker going to do with a longball?

Recommended use: Well, although not all formations with only 3 defenders are attacking i would still recommend training up the offside-trap before using the formation. Never the less, it can still be used against teams playing mixed with a low rate of midfielders.

3-5-2: Yet again an attacking formation that needs excellent defenders to not let in too many goals. Vulnerable against teams playing longball with many attackers. For instance 4-3-3.
I would prefer mixed in this formation. Continental is of course good as well because the amount of midfielders, but since there's only 3 defenders they might get pushed by the attackers a bit much if playing continental so a couple of longballs every now and then won't hurt.

Recommended use: It's time to train your offside stat in the team training section cause playing the offside trap can help you a great deal with this formation. Also recommended against teams playing either mixed or continental with low amount of midfielders.

3-4-3: This is a deadly attacking formation, when it works that is. The bad part is that your opponent can easily find ways to beat it. I have yet to produce a win with this formation. On the other hand i produce a smile every time i see that my opponent either change to this formation with an event or use it from the start.
Playstyle: As i have no good experiences of my own with this formation i'm not to sure about the playstyle. But from my knowledge about formations and tactics i would say that any playstyle can work in this formation. Continental probably the worst choice.

Recommended use: Choose another formation is my recommendation, but of course if it works good for you, why not keep at it. Your defense need to be in very good shape compared to your opponent attackers. Also you goalie will probably get a lot to do. Again, good offside stat in team training is your friend.

3-3-4: The last formation is again an all out attack formation, just like the 4-2-4 formation. Remember that all these formation very vulnerable in defense so pick them with caution, not just pick to try. There are smarter offensive formations to choose.
Longball is the best playstyle again, while mixed should work a bit better with this formation. Continental is again to dig yourself 7 feet under with this formation.

Recommended use: Against other all out attack formation and you got the best average quality this could be a choice. In other situations than that i wouldn't recommend to use such a formation.

Picking your formation:

Everyone has got their own way to pick their formation for a match. I'm gonna tell you the way i feel is best and also mention a mathematic way to decide which formation should be best. Of course mathematics might help you more in a computer game like this then it would in real life.

When i pick formation i always check what playstyle my opponent uses first. This is because different playstyles can turn a match completely and from my own experience the different playstyle options seem to work in a triangle.
Mixed seems to beat longball, longball seems to beat continental and continental seems to beat mixed.

1) So when i pick my formation i try to find out what playstyle my opponents going to use by reading their match reports. From what they're going to play i choose what playstyle i'm going to use (see the triangle i mentioned above).

2) When I've decided my playstyle find the formations best suitable for that playstyle.

3) When i have a couple of formations suitable for my picked playstyle I check which formations are most suitable for my players.

My last point before choosing my formation contains some mathematics. Most times you would end up with the same choice you feel are best. At least I do. so to try explaining my mathematics in choosing formation i will give an example.

Lets say your opponent use a regular 4-4-2 formation and you wanna find out which formation of 4-3-3 or 5-3-2 is the best suitable.
The way to do this is to divide defenders against attacker, midfielders against midfielders and attacker against defenders. After that you add all of them together so the formation getting the highest score is the best suitable. So lets check it out.

4-3-3 against 4-4-2:
Dividing your defenders against opponent attackers: 4/2 -> 8/4
Dividing your midfielders against opponent midfielders: 3/4
Dividing your attackers against opponent defenders: 3/4
Adding them together: 8/4 + 3/4 + 3/4 = 14/4

5-3-2 against 4-4-2:
Dividing your defenders against opponent attackers: 5/2 -> 10/4
Dividing your midfielders against opponent midfielders: 3/4
Dividing your attackers against opponent defenders: 2/4
Adding them together: 10/4 + 3/4 + 2/4 = 15/4

As you can see the result is marginal, but it reveals 5-3-2 as the best formation of the two to use in this situation. If you didn't understand what to do there is nothing to worry about. You should be fine with just the 3 first steps alone if you choose to try my way.


This is just gonna be basics for how to pick which player to what jersey number. Yet again lets use
4-4-2 as an example.
If you click the link you see the structure of the formation.

#1 is the goalie -- Your best goalie should play here, DuH!
#2 is the left back  -- One of your two best passing defenders should play here. Also speed is important in this position
#3 is the left central defender -- One of your 2 best defenders beside #2 and #5 should play here. If #2 have worse speed then #5, then #3 should have better speed then #4
#4 is the right central defender -- The other of your 2 best defenders beside #2 and #5 should play here. If #5 have worse speed then #2, then #4 should have better speed then #3
#5 is the right back -- The other of your two best passing
defenders should play here. Also speed is important in this position
#6 is the left winger -- One of your two best passing midfielders should play here. If #2 have better passing then #5, then also #6 should have better passing then #9
#7 is the left central midfielder -- One of your 2 best midfielders beside #6 and #9 should play here. If #6 have worse speed then #9, then #7 should have better speed then #8
#8 is the right central midfielder -- The other of your 2 best midfielders beside #6 and #9 should play here. If #9 have worse speed then #6, then #8 should have better speed then #7

#9 is the right winger -- The other of your two best passing midfielders should play here. If #5 have better passing then #2, then also #9 should have better passing then #6
#10 is the left attacker -- One of your two best attackers should play here. If #6 have better passing then #9, then #10 should have better shooting then #11
#11 is the right attacker -- The other of your two best attackers should play here. If #9 have better passing then #6, then #11 should have better shooting then #10

This lineup structure puts your best passers in every section on the sides because it's easier for your backs to pass to your wingers then it's for your central defenders to pass to your central midfielders. also your wingers produce more assists then your central midfielders. So the better passing they have the more goals you'll score, hopefully!

Do you have 3 midfielders with the same passing skill? then put the one with best shooting or best tackling into the center. The central midfielders are more likely to score goals then the wingers.

On Field Tactics:

This should be quite simple and i guess most of you already know what to do on most of the tactics options, but I'll take my time and explain them anyway.

Captain: The best captains are usually 27 years or older and they should have good perception. Your captain also gives a little boost to the section he's playing in. So if you for some reason feel either you defense or midfield ain't good enough for your upcoming match you should pick your captain to play in this section. So if your captain plays in defense your defense will get a minor boos and play better then they would have done.

Freekick, own half: Use your best passing defender to take these freekicks.

Freekick, opponent half: For these freekicks you should pick a midfielder with both good passing and shooting. If the same player has also got good perception it's a positive thing as he would know better when to shoot and when to pass/cross.

Corner: Your midfielder with the best passing should be taking these.

Penalty kick: Your best shooting attacker should be taking these. Also perception is good for penalties.

Playstyle: You have 3 playstyles to choose from, continental, mixed and longball. Continental passing keeps the ball mostly to the ground and play through the midfield. Works best if you have many midfielders. Longball speaks for it self. the passes is in the air and with a distance. Best with many attackers and less midfielders. Mixed also speaks for itself. Your team try to play both continental and longball at the same time so your opponent won read you all to easy.

Tackling: Your 3 options is Soft, Normal and Hard. With soft you'll lose more important tackles, but you'll keep the fouls low and suspension is rare. With normal you'll win a bit more important tackles but both injuries and suspensions more likely to happen. With Hard it again increase the chance of injuries and suspensions.

Shooting: Again there is 3 options to choose from. Shoot at will, near goal and only when safe. Shoot at will gives you more shots, but they're more likely to not hit the goal as your players will shoot from where ever they want. Near goal makes it more likely to actually score on your shots, but both shots on target and shots total might decrease. the last option, only when safe, again decrease your chances as you won't fire a shot before you feel absolutely sure you're hitting the goal. The good part is that usually about 90% of these shots ends up as a goal.

Pressure:  Attacking should be played mostly at home and against teams with lower or same average quality as your lineup. Normal means that you play neither defending or attacking. Can be played in any match, although usually attacking or defending is more suitable. Can be first when you play away against teams with same or lower average quality then your lineup. Defending should not be played at home, at least that is my opinion. I'll explain why afterwards. Defending should only be used away and against teams with the same or higher average quality then your own lineup. Counter-Attacking is probably the most exciting new tactic, but also the most overestimated! it's not the ultimate solution to be used in any game where you don't believe in your own team. What happens is that you give away some midfield strength to get the chance of getting a counter attack each time your opponent attacks and your defense over powers them

use counter-attacking.only:
when: your certain to lose in midfield,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          your defense is stronger than your opponents attackers otherwise you will only concede goals,                                                                           
your attackers are able to make chances when counter-attacks are created,
(If you fail to meet any of these requirements, counter-attack is not for you)

Offside: You can either chose to play the offside trap or not to play the offside trap. If you play a formation with 3 defenders they're more likely to have a good offside trap then a formation with 5 defenders. The less defenders, the easier to communicate. Before you play the offside trap you should also train your offside skill in the team training section.

Red cards only apply to league matches. If a player is sent off he can still play in any cup games. Five yellows equals one red. However any yellow or red cards accumulated in cup games will still count towards your league games.

Home matches against away matches:

Home: You should play either attacking or normal pressure because when you play at home you're getting a little boost just for playing at home. If you have bought your under soil heating in the
stadium section this will also give you a small boost since you have a perfect pitch all season. Both of these advantages should be enough to play attacking at home and put the pressure on your opponent even though your opponent might have a better average quality in his team.

Away: Away you should be more careful about playing attacking because of the same reasons mentioned above. Only play attacking if you're average quality is much better then your opponent and you feel certain to win. Else you should choose between either Normal or Defending.

Money and economics in ML

Financial Situations
Minimum Maximum
Bankrupt $ 0
Very Poor $ 0 $ 19.999.999
Low Wealth $ 20.000.000 $ 49.999.999
Average Bank Account $ 50.000.000 $ 99.999.999
Wealthy $ 100.000.000 $ 149.999.999
Rich $ 150.000.000 $ 199.999.999
Very Rich $ 200.000.000 $ 249.999.999
Stinking Rich $ 250.000.000 $ 299.999.999
Filthy Rich $ 300.000.000 $ 349.999.999
Ridiculously Rich $ 350.000.000 $ 499.999.999
Insanely Rich $ 500.000.000 $ 749.999.999
Made of money $ 750.000.000 $ 999.999.999
King Midas $ $ 2.147.483.648

If you are at -$ 5.000.000 or less at season change your team will go bankrupt and be deleted from the game.

You can't bid more than the amount you have in your bank-account (if you have $ 25.000.000 and have bid $ 12.000.000 for a player, you have $ 13.000.000 available to make another bid for another player)

If you make a bid for a player for all of your money and you pay wages etc. the transfer will NOT go through.

If you sack a player he will give you 40% of his value to be released from his contract.

The minimum price you can sell a player for is 70% of his value.

converting money to credits or credits to money "There is a limit of 75 exchanges per season. "

- 1 credit will give you $ 250.000 if you convert it. Maximum you can earn by converting credits: 75 credits x $ 250.000 = $ 18,750.000

- $ 1.250.000 will give you 1 credit if you convert it. The maximum credits will cost you: 75 credits x $ 1.250.000 = $ 93.750.000

Each season some players get awards. If you manage one of those players you will get:

- $ 1.000.000 and 3 credits for each award

except if he gets

The Platinum Ball or The Platinum Boot, then you will get

- $ 2.000.000 and 10 credits

a player can get no other award if he gets The Platinum Ball or The Platinum Boot

a player must play a minimum of 20 leaguematches that season to get an award

The awards:

The Golden Glove: Awarded to the best performing g
oalkeeper in each department

The Golden Ball: Awarded to the best performing defender
in each department

The Golden Statuette: Awarded to the best performing midfielder in each department

The Silver Boot: Awarded to the best performing attacker in each department

The Silver Cap:
Awarded to the best performing 17* year old in each department

The Golden Boot: Awarded to the topscorer in each department

The Platinum Ball: Awarded to the best performing player in each league

The Platinum Boot:
Awarded to the topscorer in each league



     17yr Old
    18yr Old      19yr Old     20yr Old     21yr Old      22yr Old     23yr Old     24yr Old     25yr Old      26yr Old
Q 66   9.776.803
 8.914.664  8.104.759  7.345.457   6.635.124 5.972.128 5.354.838  4.781.620 4.250.843  3.760.874 Q 66
Q 67 11.363.328  10.361.286  9.419.954  8.537.436  7.711.834 6.941.252 6.223.791   5.557.555  4.940.646 4.371.167 Q 67
Q 68  13.177.913  12.015.857  10.924.206 9.900.761   8.943.321 8.049.685 7.217.655   6.445.029 5.729.607 5.069.190 Q 68
Q 69 15.249.247 13.904.537  12.641.298   11.456.985  10.349.052  9.314.953  8.352.142  7.458.073  6.630.200  5.865.976 Q 69
Q 70 17.609.130  16.056.320  14.597.590 13.230.000   11.950.610  10.756.480 9.644.670  8.612.240 7.656.250  6.773.760 Q 70
Q 71  20.292.754 18.503.296  16.822.256   15.246.246 13.771.878   12.395.763  11.114.514 9.924.742  8.823.059   7.806.078 Q 71
Q 72  25.672.913  21.280.929  19.347.539  17.534.945 15.839.251   14.256.560 12.782.975 11.414.600 10.147.538  8.977.892 Q 72
Q 73
32.148.991   24.428.355  22.209.018  20.128.344 18.181.859   16.365.089  14.673.563  13.102.806  11.648.347 10.305.712 Q 73
Q 74  39.904.148  30.787.575  25.445.908  23.061.983  20.831.804 18.750.246  16.812.185   15.012.497 13.346.055  11.807.735 Q 74
Q 75 49.147.130  38.411.343   29.101.367  26.374.976  23.824.418 21.443.833   19.227.358  17.169.133 15.263.296  13.503.988 Q 75
Q 76  60.115.254  47.505.608  33.222.835  30.110.320 27.198.540 24.480.805 21.950.423   19.600.703 17.424.954  15.416.484 Q 76
Q 77 73.077.676  58.304.342  37.862.389   34.315.213  30.996.805 27.899.539  25.015.790  22.337.933 19.858.341   17.569.389 Q 77
Q 78  100.238.993 81.572.713 50.077.133 46.041.408  42.265.959  38.742.111 35.461.186 32.414.511  29.593.407 26.989.201 Q 78
Q 79  118.843.144  97.310.579 55.929.601  51.345.582  47.057.200  43.054.600  39.327.929  35.867.331   32.662.952 29.704.938 Q 79
Q 80
140.477.700 115.656.283 62.488.199  57.289.731  52.426.528  47.887.414  43.661.214  39.736.752   36.102.854 32.748.342 Q 80
Q 81
165.578.528 136.990.814 69.827.669   63.941.596  58.435.132  53.295.626  48.510.423  44.066.870 39.952.312  36.154.097 Q 81
Q 82
161.742.322 78.029.586   71.375.108 65.149.796  59.339.347  53.929.453   48.905.811 44.254.113   39.960.055 Q 82
Q 83
190.391.046  87.182.886   79.670.871 72.643.329  66.084.110  59.977.065  54.306.046  49.054.902  44.207.486 Q 83
Q 84
 238.174.652  104.384.430 95.916.673 87.995.027   80.601.289 73.717.255 67.324.720   61.405.482 55.941.337  Q 84
Q 85
289.584.687 115.739.598 106.208.021 97.291.164  88.968.536  81.219.647   74.024.007  67.361.123 61.210.507 Q 85
Q 86
 128.362.930 117.648.723 107.625.508  98.270.251  89.559.919 81.471.480  73.981.900  67.068.146  Q 86
Q 87
142.378.793  130.351.496  119.099.875 108.598.075   98.820.240 89.740.514  81.333.041  73.571.966  Q 87
Q 88
144.438.611 131.824.714 120.051.422  109.089.747 98.910.705  89.485.307  80.784.569 Q 88
Q 89
 175.139.061  160.042.585  145.919.726  132.738.030  120.465.044 109.068.314  98.515.385 88.773.803 Q 89
Q 90
177.306.901  161.514.519 146.774.559  133.050.731 120.306.744 108.506.309  97.613.133 Q 90
Q 91
196.386.785  178.749.307 162.287.211 146.959.966 132.727.042 119.547.908 107.382.034 Q 91
Q 92
197.775.641 179.412.394 162.315.058 146.438.422 131.737.275 118.166.406 Q 92
Q 93
218.757.189 198.297.422 179.248.094 161.558.832  145.179.264 130.059.018 Q 93
Q 94
241.870.555 219.101.251  197.901.600 178.215.543  159.987.019  143.159.972 Q 94
Q 95
241.995.265 218.429.245  196.545.771 176.282.526
157.577.193 Q 95
Q 96
295.269.087 240.996.574  216.697.342 194.197.199 173.426.949 Q 96
Q 97
238.829.382 213.872.502 190.834.398 Q 97
Q 98
325.136.191 235.460.595 209.934.161 Q 98
Q 99
Q 99
    17yr Old     18yr Old 19yr Old     20yr Old     21yr Old     22yr Old     23yr Old     24yr Old     25yr Old      26yr Old

     27yr Old
   28yr Old     29yr Old      30yr Old      31yr Old      32yr Old      33yr Old      34yr Old      35yr Old      36yr Old
Q 66 3.310.080  2.896.830  2.099.577  1.674.178 1.332.870 1.057.746  835.376 655.490 510.101 414.731 Q 66
Q 67  3.847.222  3.366.912 2.440.284  1.945.855 1.549.161   1.229.391 970.936  761.859 592.878 482.031 Q 67
Q 68 4.461.576 3.904.567   2.829.968 2.256.584  1.796.543  1.425.709  1.125.983  883.519  687.553 559.006 Q 68
Q 69 5.162.857 4.518.295  3.274.788
2.611.278   2.078.928  1.649.806 1.302.967 1.022.392  795.624 646.872 Q 69
Q 70 5.961.830  5.217.520 3.781.575  3.015.385
2.400.650  1.905.120   1.504.606 1.180.612  918.750 746.978 Q 70
Q 71 6.870.410 6.012.668  4.357.885 3.474.928   2.766.508 2.195.459  1.733.908 1.360.536  1.058.767 860.817 Q 71
Q 72 7.901.766  6.915.263  5.012.072  3.996.568  3.181.804  2.525.032  1.994.194  1.564.774 1.217.704 990.039 Q 72
Q 73
 9.070.428 7.938.022  5.753.352  4.587.657 3.652.389   2.898.481 2.289.133  1.796.202  1.397.802 1.136.464 Q 73
Q 74 10.392.413  9.094.963   6.591.883  5.256.292  4.184.713  3.320.925 2.622.767  2.057.993  1.601.527 1.302.101 Q 74
Q 75  11.885.346 10.401.509 7.538.848   6.011.391 4.785.872 3.797.997  2.999.543 2.353.636 1.831.596 1.489.155 Q 75
Q 76 13.568.602 11.874.618  8.606.533  6.862.751 5.463.669 4.335.886   3.424.352 2.686.969  2.090.994 1.700.056 Q 76
Q 77  15.463.452  13.532.903  9.808.432  7.821.131  6.226.668  4.941.391  3.902.561  3.062.203 2.383.001 1.937.468 Q 77
Q 78 24.593.215   22.396.775 16.992.669  14.282.942  12.084.260 10.288.629  8.815.056  7.601.604 6.600.098 6.093.202 Q 78
Q 79 26.983.433  24.488.584 18.508.779 15.491.871  13.046.729  11.052.431   9.418.283  8.074.935 6.968.443 6.392.681 Q 79
Q 80
29.662.043  26.832.780 20.207.815  16.846.662  14.125.324 11.908.388  10.094.293 8.605.375 7.381.231 6.728.293 Q 80
Q 81
 32.659.570  29.456.078 22.109.139 18.362.757  15.332.339 12.866.257  10.850.788 9.198.971  7.843.166 7.103.863 Q 81
Q 82
36.009.331 32.387.635  24.233.885  20.057.005 16.681.187 13.936.682 11.696.178 9.862.319    8.359.382 7.523.566 Q 82
Q 83
39.747.648   35.659.238 26.605.091 21.947.777  18.186.495 15.131.272 12.639.629 10.602.612 8.935.477 7.991.952 Q 83
Q 84
50.914.080  46.305.509  35.081.183 29.439.698 24.864.192 21.129.334 18.066.126 15.545.331 13.466.436 12.402.867 Q 84
Q 85
55.551.666  50.364.111  38.022.793 31.785.304 26.731.609  22.611.289 19.236.528  16.463.705 14.181.113 12.983.926 Q 85
Q 86
60.707.186 54.875.985 41.292.927 34.392.872 28.807.582  24.258.749 20.537.643  17.484.644 12.983.926 13.629.878 Q 86
Q 87
66.431.431 59.885.582  44.923.803  37.288.090  31.112.564  26.087.949  21.982.289 18.618.208 15.857.743 14.347.088 Q 87
Q 88
72.779.503  65.441.123  48.950.370 40.498.828 33.668.741 28.116.493  23.584.373 19.875.306 16.836.014 15.142.460 Q 88
Q 89
 79.811.116 71.594.868  53.410.506 44.055.290 36.500.161 30.363.465 25.358.963 21.267.765 17.919.624  16.023.474 Q 89
Q 90
87.590.928 78.403.403  58.345.223 47.990.177  39.632.858 32.849.527  27.322.380 22.808.389 19.118.535  16.998.233 Q 90
Q 91
96.188.889  85.927.944  63.798.889  52.338.868 43.094.999  35.597.030   29.492.275 24.511.030 20.443.527  18.075.501 Q 91
Q 92
105.680.603  94.234.656 69.819.462  57.139.604 46.917.027  38.630.135 31.887.729 26.390.659 21.906.251 19.264.749 Q 92
Q 93
116.147.719  103.394.996  76.458.729 62.433.679 51.131.821 41.974.932  34.529.349  28.463.445  23.519.289 20.576.210 Q 93
Q 94
127.678.340  113.486.066 83.772.575 68.265.657  55.774.856 45.659.575  37.439.369 30.746.836 25.296.220 22.020.920 Q 94
Q 95
140.367.456 124.590.997 91.821.252 74.683.579 60.884.381 49.714.419  40.641.762  33.259.641 27.251.681 Q 95
Q 96
 154.317.397 136.799.346 100.669.668 81.739.205 66.501.604 54.172.163 44.162.354 36.022.126 29.401.442  Q 96
Q 97  169.638.319 150.207.514  110.387.693 89.488.247 72.670.879 59.068.008  48.028.944 Q 97
Q 98 186.448.708 164.919.195  121.050.484  97.990.635 64.439.816  52.271.436 Q 98
Q 99 Q 99
    27yr Old     28yr Old     29yr Old     30yr Old     31yr Old     32yr Old     33yr Old     34yr Old     35yr Old    36yr Old

 Please send me a message if i'am missing any


Capacity Money: Credits: Rounds: Notes:
5.000 – 10.000 1.500.000 0 15 100% more money
10.000 – 15.000 3.000.000 1 20 50% more money
15.000 – 20.000 6.000.000 1 25 33,33% more money
20.000 – 25.000 9.000.000 1 30 25% more money
25.000 – 30.000 12.000.000 1 30 20% more money
30.000 – 35.000 12.000.000 1 35 16,67% more money
35.000 – 40.000 12.000.000 1 35 14,29% more money
40.000 – 45.000 12.000.000 1 35 12,5% more money
45.000 – 50.000 12.000.000 1 35 11,11% more money
50.000 – 55.000 12.000.000 3 35 10% more money
55.000 – 60.000 12.000.000 3 35 9,09% more money
60.000 – 65.000 12.000.000 5 35 8,03% more money
65.000 – 70.000 12.000.000 10 35 7,69% more money
Lighting None Creates higher ticket prices
Basic Lights 1.000.000 0 10
Floodlights 2.000.000 1 10
FIFA-MAX 2000 4.000.000 2 15
ECO Floodlight 7.000.000 7 20
Heating None Play better at home games &
Soil Heating 2.000.000 0 10 saves on Stadium Upkeep
Extendible Roof 4.000.000 2 30
Synthetic Grass 8.000.000 7 30
Scoreboard None Creates higher ticket prices
Manual 500.000 0 5
Digital 1.000.000 0 10
Video Wall 2.000.000 0 10
Plasma Screen Wall 5.000.000 1 10
Multi-Screen HD 7.000.000 7 20
Clubshop None
None – Small 200.000 0 3 $3 per spectator at 100%
Small – Medium 500.000 0 6 $6 per spectator at 100%
Medium – Large 1.500.000 1 9 $9 per spectator at 100%
Restaurant None
Fast Food 400.000 0 4 $2 per spectator at 100%
Pub 400.000 0 5 $4 per spectator at 100%
Restaurant 1.000.000 0 6 $6 per spectator at 100%
Luxury Restaurant 3.000.000 2 10 $8 per spectator at 100%
Youth Academy Basic Grounds Upgrades min youth player Q
Normal Grounds 2.000.000 0 15
Improved Grounds 3.000.000 1 20
Fully Equipped 4.000.000 1 25
Top Notch 5.000.000 1 30
Training Facilities Simple Grounds
Normal Facilities 1.500.000 1 15 + 5% to Team Training
Improved Facilities 3.000.000 2 15 +10% to Team Training
Excellent Facilities 6.000.000 2 20 +15% to Team Training
Parking Tiny Parking Place
Medium Parking 3.000.000 0 15 Use at 35.000 people
Multi-Story Parking 5.000.000 2 15 Use at 60.000 people
Automated Parking Lot 7.500.000 7 15
VIP Boxes
0 – 500 2.500.000 1 10 Division 1 = $200
500 – 1000 3.000.000 3 15 Division 2 = $150
1000 – 1500 4.000.000 5 15 Division 3 = $100
1500 – 2000 5.000.000 7 20 Division 4 = $50
2000 – 2500 10.000.000 10 20 D.4 can only sell 75 seats
Advertising None Ad Money for home games
Simple Ad Boards 1.500.000 0 10
Metal Boards 3.000.000 1 15 Can also raise sponsor's
Rotating Signs 6.000.000 3 15 money for the entire season
LCD Boards 9.000.000 7 15
Gate Ad Screens 12.000.000 7 25
Medical Center Part-time doctor 5 uses 250.000 * (7 – D)
Club Medics 1.000.000 0 10 6 uses
Club Clinic 3.000.000 0 20 7 uses
Club Hospital 10,000,000 10 ??? 8 uses
Legal Department Part-time lawyer 2 uses 750.000 + [ 250.000 * (7 – D) ]
Full-Time Lawyer 1.000.000 0 15 3 uses
Legal Counselling Office 5,000,000 0 20 4 uses
Highly Profiled Team 10,000,000 10 ??? 5 uses
Travel Accom. Standard bus Play better at away games
Club Coach 1.000.000 0 15
Regular Airliner 5.000.000 0 20
Private Jet 20.000.000 10 30

Recommended upgrade order for your stadium:
This will take 60 weeks (almost 2 seasons) This sounds like a long time, but it is Vital so persevere
Once you have a 20000 stadium your next upgrade is the Club Shop - Upgrade to Level 1
Next upgrade Restaurant to Fast Food
Now Upgrade Advertising Space to Simple ad boards - This will start your advertising income which is a Good source of Income for League Games
Then upgrade your Club Shop to Medium and then Large
Now upgrade your Restaurant to Pub and then Restaurant
Now upgrade your Score board from Manual all the way to Multi-Screen HD. Each upgrade allows you to charge Higher ticket prices whilst still getting the same crowd
You can now upgrade your stadium capacity to 35000
This will ensure a Good Income and you can now start improving your team
There are two upgrades that help with your team's performance on the Field
They are Heating and Training Facilities
You can now upgrade your stadium's heating to Soil Heating. This will give you an advantage for Home League Games
Now upgrade your Training Facilities from Normal all the way to Excellent. This will help you get better team training stats which will help your team's performance
Now upgrade the remaining Advertising space from Simple ad boards all the way to Gate Ad Screens
You can now upgrade Soil Heating to Extendible roof to give your team added Home ground advantage
Lighting allows for TV Broadcasting of League Games. This is a very good source of Income, but only happens in Divison 3 and above. If you are in Divison 3 and above Upgrade Lighting to all levels untill you reach ECO Floodlight.
Now upgrade your stadium capacity to 45000. Note you will not get crowds larger than 45000 unless you are in Div 3 or above
VIP boxes generate income for teams in Div 3 and Above. If you are in Div 3 or above start upgrading the VIP Boxes to 1000. If you are in Div 2 upgrade to 1500
Income for VIP BOxes
1. div: $200 per seat
2. div: $150 per seat
3. div: $100 per seat
If you are in Divison 3 and above you can now upgrade capacity to higher than 45000, but remember that you will need to upgrade your Car Park if you plan to fill a stadium bigger than 45000
maximum capacity for each division

div 1: 70k
div 2: 60k
div 3: 50k
div 4-6: 45k
Upgrading Youth Academy is a tough choice. It will help you to get better youths, but in Lower divisions it is not much use. The Youth's quality is largely based on Luck.

Minimum Quality for Youth by Division

           Division 1            Division 2            Division 3            Division 4            Division 5            Division 6
   Basic grounds: Q68    Basic grounds: Q67    Basic grounds: Q66    Basic grounds: Q65    Basic grounds: Q64    Basic grounds: Q63
  Normal grounds: Q69   Normal grounds: Q68   Normal grounds: Q67   Normal grounds: Q66   Normal grounds: Q65   Normal grounds: Q64
Improved grounds: Q70 Improved grounds: Q69 Improved grounds: Q68 Improved grounds: Q67 Improved grounds: Q66 Improved grounds: Q65
   Fully equipped: Q71    Fully equipped: Q70    Fully equipped: Q69    Fully equipped: Q68    Fully equipped: Q67    Fully equipped: Q66
       Top notch: Q72        Top notch: Q71        Top notch: Q70        Top notch: Q69        Top notch: Q68        Top notch: Q67


Department Cup -   are for teams in divisions 5 and lower only. These cups are 1 per department, so the same 16 teams in each league have a cup of their own to fight it out in. These matches take place in rounds 5, 15, 25 and 35 (at 12:00).
(The winner of each department cup, gets a comfy little
cheque, and some credits).

Winner: 2 credits + 1.000.000 $
Runner-up: 500.000 $

League Cup - The League Cup is for teams in divisions 1-4 only. It is played throughout the season, with the first round being played in league-round 2, the second round in league-round 4 and so on.
The League Cup matches are played at 22.30 CEST in the round they are designated, which means BEFORE the league-round. So if you want top-rested players for the league, you should consider to let some players skip the cup-match before.
The cup system is simple: you lose you are out..
The first few rounds of the League Cup are for division 4 teams alone.
After a few rounds, when 1024 division 4 teams have become 256 teams, 3rd division enters the cup.
And when that mix has become 64 teams, division 2 joins. Then a little later, division 1 joins, and they duke it out towards the finals in round 34.

There are no cup-games in rounds 10, 20 and 30 due to training-camps.
The winner of the League Cup can look forward to a massive cheque, and some extra credits.

Winner: 100 credits + 5.000.000 $
Runner-up: 50 credits + 2.500.000 $

Champions League -  Division 1 top qualifying places

Winner:  100 credits + 100,000,000 $
Runner-up:  100 credits +
Group Stages 10 Credits + 20,000,000 $

The Samsung Super Cup - This is a tournament identical to Champions League but for the teams who just failed to qualify
Winner:  150 credits +  50,000,000 $
Runner-up: 75 credits +  20,000,000 $

Player Cups - On this page, players can create their own cups.
The maker of the cups decides who it is for, in terms of divisions and leagues, or in terms of making it private (with a password).
These special cups are played during the weekends only, with one cup-round every half hour after 12:00 CEST. Intensive, and stressful, and lots of fun. Make sure you rest your players before and after such a cup!

The maker of custom pre-paid cups has the ability to kick teams from the cups that gained entry to the cup without permission. This ability is only for cups that are password protected.
Cups are not cheaper to join for lower division teams, this is to allow them to join without the same degree of risk as higher division teams.
Cups require at least 4 people to be involved or else the cup will be canceled.


Winner: 1 credit per 8 participating teams + 50.000 $  per  participating team
Runner up: 25.000 $ per participating team

Please Note:
when joining player cups that have a maximum Q to enter, teams that do take part may have a higher Q come match day. Example: it's Q79 or lower to join but on match day some teams are Q80 or higher. This is either because of gains from training or playing there department games or friendlies or from purchasing new players.

Winning Division One

100 credits


Basic  (18/18)
Hello!   Send a message to someone.
Introduction   Post in your department-forum.
GUI   Change your header / footer layout.
Salesman   Mark a player for sale.
First bid   Place a bid.
Basic Trainer   Modify the training for one of your players.
Lineup-tweaker   Make an adjustment to your starting lineup and save the changes.
Freekick-taker   Change your free-kick taker.
Team-developer   Modify your team training.
No longer lonely   Add a friend.
Strategic Newbie   Create an event.
Hire and fire   Hire a staff-member.
First Challenge   Challenge someone to a friendly.
Open Challenge   Issue an open challenge.
Boyscout   Scout a player.
Alan Greenspan   Adjust your prices.
Stressed out   Check your season schedule.
Got my eye on you   Watch a player.

Advanced  (18/18)
Builder   Upgrade your stadium capacity.
First League Win   Win a league-match and watch the entire match-report!
First Buy   Buy a player.
Logofreak   Upload a team-logo.
15 Wins   Win 15 league-games in one season.
Princess of friendlies   Win 25 friendlies in one season.
First sale   Sell a player.
First League-Cup Win   Win a match in the league-cup.
Gone Camping   Book and complete a training camp.
Whos the man   Compare two players.
Hattrick   Have a player score 3 goals in one match in the League, League-cup or Champions League.
Halftime peptalk   Win a match in the League, League-cup or Champions League after being 2 goals behind at halftime.
Close call   Win a relegation playoff-match (round 33)
Medic!   Treat a player in the medical center.
I protest!   Use your lawyers to lift a ban.
Handyman   Repair your stadium.
5 in a row   Win 5 league-games in a row, max 2 bots in the department.
Recruiter   Invite a friend to the game and make sure he signs up!

Superior  (18/18)
The Double
  Win the League and the League Cup in the same season.
10 in a row
  Win 10 league-games in a row, max 4 bots in the department.
Everyone present   Fill a stadium with at least 45000 in capacity.
Master Haggler   Buy a player at 70% value.
Up the stakes   Buy a player by outbidding another manager.
Personal touch   Upload a team-logo, forum-avatar and stadium-picture.
Tactical Genius   Win a league-match by 7 or more goals against a human player in division 3 or higher.
Tactical Disaster   Lose a league-match by 7 or more goals against a human player in division 3 or higher.
  Create and complete a player-cup.
Fast fingers
  Accept 100 open friendlies in one season.
Quartermaster   Qualify for the Champions League Quarter Finals.
25 Wins   Win 25 league-games in one season. Max 4 bots in the department.
Home Sweet Home   Win all home games in a season.
Champions League Qualifier   Qualify for Champions League.
Fast gainer   Make a player gain 5 points of quality or more in one season.
Profit maker
  Make more money than you spend over an entire season.
Chairman did it!   Pay 50 million or more in tax.
Division Skipper   Get a promotion two seasons in a row beyond division 5.

Impossible  (11/12)
The Treble   Win the League, the League Cup and Champions League in the same season.
The Quadruple   Win a custom cup, the League, the League Cup and Champions League in the same season.
Master of player-cups   Win more than 100 player cups.
Double Hattrick   Have a player score 6 goals in one match in the League, League-cup or Champions League.
King of friendlies   Win 100 friendlies in one season.
I Have the Power   Win the Champions League.
Flawless Victory   Win all 30 league matches in division 4 or higher. Max 2 bots in the department.
Brick Wall   Complete a season without letting in a single goal in the league in division 4 or higher. Max 4 bots in the department.
Semi SuperCup   Reach the semi-finals of the Samsung SuperCup.
Mass murder   Have 4 players skip training due to fitness below 25
Killed in action   Have a player injured down to 10 fitness in a match

Special  (17/21)
Friendly Fire   Win a friendly by 10 or more goals.
Not Too Friendly   Lose a friendly by 10 or more goals.
Cup Favourite
  Win more than 25 player cups.
Road Rage   Win all away games in a season.
Comeback Kid   Climb 7 or more positions from round 15 to 30 in division 4 or higher.
Even Steven   Finish a season with 10 wins, 10 draws and 10 losses.
Friendly-Seeker   Play your friendly # 1000
Party at my house   Play 200 friendlies at home in one season.
Award Hoarder   Win 3 or more player awards during a season in division 3 or higher.
8th wonder of the world   Max out all your stadium upgrades.
Going Down   Drop 7 or more positions from round 15 to 30 in division 4 or higher.
Fair Play   Play one season without getting any yellow or red cards. This may not be your first season.
  Play 200 friendlies away in one season.
All your cup are belong to us!   Win 200 player-cups.
I Fed Spinner    Buy Credits
Diambars Supporters    Donate 10 or more credits to the Diambars team
Quad-Banned    Have 4 players banned at the same time

Please send me a message if i'am missing any












1, - Sent off during a match - Always read what it said prior to the sending off, if it said it was deserved then not even Johnny Cochran could help you. This way you will not waste money on the Legal Department.

2, - Tickets/Advertising - There is no formula for these, that's because every match/season is different from the last. your best off asking in the forums and see if someone with similar ground capacity as yours is using.

3, - Right time to sell - Use this Q-Calc it will tell you what prices players with the same Q as yours are going for.

4, - Selling players - Always tell yourself when selling, if you don't want them then who will. So your 26yr old Q64 is better off been sacked.

5, - Training youths - 31+yr Old's help with the training of your youngsters, regardless of what Q or position they are.

6, - Friendlies 1 - Always use Soft Tackling, especially when doing Sets.

7, - Friendlies 2 - The better the opponent the more likely you will get better gains from, so the SETS THREAD is a good idea for credit buyers. PLEASE NOTE: if you agree to do sets with someone DO NOT BACK OUT of returning the favor. Us Managers talk amongst ourselves and you could be blacklisted!

8, - Friendly improving gains - if your training a Strikers tackling don't be afraid to play them in defense. Same with a Keepers passing by putting them in midfield.

9, - Substitutes - All subs need a minimum of 15 minutes to earn gains.

10, -
Sunday Training Camps - Don't rest your players unless there injured! Camps are very important.
11, - Red Cards - Red cards only apply to league matches, so your players can still play in cup games.
12, - Credit Deals with Transfers - ManagerLeague holds no responsibility if your involved in a credit deal and it goes wrong. Only do credit deals with people you can trust! (If it goes wrong and you try to name and shame them it will be you who will end up getting a warning.
13, - Admins/Mods - There extremely busy monitoring every ones posts and because of this reason PLEASE make sure you post in the correct section. Every post has it's own home so don't go posting a player for sale in the discussion threads.
14, - Warnings - Do not abuse forum members or do posts/images that can be classified as spam or advertising. In fact read this <------ click it 


